Lote tree

          Sidra tul muntaha tree

          Sidratul muntaha in islam...


          George Ayoub

          Class of 1968
          Hall of Honor 2024

          George Ayoub was born and raised in Grand Island. He attended Howard Elementary School, Walnut Jr.

          High, and Grand Island Senior High where he graduated with the Class of 1968. He earned both a Bachelor’s and Master's degree from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln with concentrations in Journalism, English, and Mass Media.

          Lote tree islam

        1. Lote tree fruit
        2. Sidratul muntaha in islam
        3. Sidratul muntaha in quran
        4. Sidrat al-muntaha
        5. His Master’s research explored the impact of television viewing on the reading habits of Eighth Graders.

          He taught in middle and high schools for a number of years, including seven years of journalism and English at Senior High, where his staffs on the Islander newspaper and Purple & Gold yearbook won several Cornhusker Awards, the highest ranking for Nebraska high school publications.

          He also taught in Lincoln and Pasadena, California. He was a member of the Doane University adjunct faculty for 10 years.

          In 1994 he began writing a weekly column for the Independent, and in 1998 he became the new