Tamara lazic dermatology inc


          Tamara Lazic Strugar skinventurez Yale University School of Medicine About Dr. Lazic is a board-certified dermatologist, and a Fellow of the American Academy..

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          Looking back at it now, it is hard to believe I grew up in the middle of a civil war, incomprehensible in the last decade of the 20th century, in Europe, and that I am now a citizen of the country that bombed the city of my birth and of my youth, Belgrade.

          It is a chaotic web of improbable events that led to where I am, and to opportunities. As boundaries were falling all around Europe, they were rising all around me.

          Great communicator, extremely knowledgeable, super accommodating with all my questions, I've been seeing her for about 5 years and she delivers every time.

        1. Dr.
        2. Tamara Lazic Strugar skinventurez Yale University School of Medicine About Dr. Lazic is a board-certified dermatologist, and a Fellow of the American Academy.
        3. Tamara Lazic Strugar's 8 research works with citations, including: Self-reported allergies in Russia and impact on skin.
        4. Dr.
        5. With a Serbian mother and a Croatian father, the crossing of boundaries is what I was. I could feel the irrationality of nationalism and tribal hatred in the way complete strangers reacted to my accent, or my last name. I rejected boundaries instinctively, by turning outward, learning foreign languages, traveling, and crossing borders whenever I was given a chance.

          As a child, despite the fact that my mother was a lawyer and my father a prominent photographer, I gravitated toward science and mathematics, which universally belong to no one and everyone. Sci