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        1. Endi
        2. Edgardo Buscaglia, Samuel Gonzalez-Ruiz, and William Ratliff, “Undermining the Foundations of Organized Crime and Public Sector Corruption: An Essay on Best.
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          Edgardo Buscaglia

          Edgardo Buscaglia

          Born (1960-11-25) November 25, 1960 (age 64)
          Known forsenior academic and policy adviser specialized in law and economics, author, philanthropist, civil society leader

          Edgardo Buscaglia is a scholar and practitioner within the field of law and economics.[1][2] Buscaglia is also an international philanthropist and civil society leader engaged in supporting non-governmental organizations in their combat and prevention of organized crime, including his support for combatting wildlife trafficking at the Wildlife Justice Commission[3] or his philanthropic and technical support for preventing human trafficking in Mexico and Central America as Director of the International Law and Economic Development Center.

          Main ideas

          Buscaglia has concentrated his academic and government-related field work on the economic analysis of organized crime and Corruption within the private and public se